Tips and Tricks

Correct view of sex toys

In fact, many times, it is not that we need to avoid sex toys, but we choose the wrong way to try sex toys. The road is wrong, it needs to be corrected
Open your heart, change your thinking, and accept the intervention of the “third party” of sex toys, and you will find a different world, a world that is beautiful because of climax.
Change a correct way of thinking to interact with sex toys, treat it as the shadow of your lover, to cultivate and improve your overall quality. Including the cognition of sexuality in thinking, the feeling of awakening the body, the feeling of orgasm, the understanding and cognition of the whole body and mind of sex, and the reconstruction of a pure view of sex, etc.
How to use sex toys correctly
1. Control the time of using sex toys. Because it is used for too long, it may cause harm to the human body, so it will not be worth the loss.
2, do not choose too tight sexy clothing. Wearing sexy clothes that are too tight will cause damage to the skin, block blood circulation, and prevent the body from getting fresh oxygen.
3. When using some sex toys that come into contact with the skin or body, remember to disinfect them first. Just wipe with normal concentration of alcohol cotton, do not use high concentration of alcohol, it will cause harm to the skin or body.
4. Avoid high-temperature disinfection of sex toys. It is best to use professional disinfectant for cleaning, or wash with warm water that is boiled and cooled.
5. The condom can only be used once and cannot be used multiple times. When using it, you must first squeeze the seal of the condom and squeeze out the air inside. Otherwise, if you wear it directly, there will be air in the condom, which may not achieve contraception effect.
6. Control the frequency of using sex aids. It may feel good at the initial stage of use, and the pleasure will be very obvious, but after frequent use, it is easy to become numb, and the pleasure will also decrease, affecting future life.
7. Do not use lubricating fluid indiscriminately. Do not smear on the breasts and lower body, it may cause allergies. If the body really lacks lubricating fluid, then you can use it appropriately and choose products produced by regular merchants.

Precautions before using sex toys

1. When opening the newly purchased sex toys, be sure to read the product manual first. Is it overall waterproof? Is it a battery or AC type? Where is the part that is used effectively?
2. Before putting it into the body, first try to experience the different vibration modes with your hands, and feel the overall feeling. This is a process to familiarize yourself with sex toys. This is also a step I will do every time I get a new sex toy, play it in my hand, and study its beauty first.
3. It is very important to understand where this toy is used and not to place it in the wrong place. If misplaced, the effect may not be right. Because sometimes, all kinds of strange toy shapes will confuse us, and occasionally I will make mistakes. Because some of the toys used for trial have no instructions, everything has to be guessed and tried by yourself.
4. The charging must be complete, so as to avoid falling off the mountainside at the critical moment of the summit (the process of reaching a climax), which is a very uncomfortable feeling. I have encountered this kind of embarrassment a few times, and I have to do it again with more preparations, but it may not feel better. So this is an important point to keep in mind.
5. Charge and recharge, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. If you only have one toy, and you don’t even have a replacement, the consequences are even more speechless. Remember, if the pelvic cavity is congested, it is best to let yourself have an orgasm, even if it is a small orgasm, so as to allow the blood to fully return and not cause blood stasis
6. Try to use sex toys to reach an orgasm, it is best to choose a time when your body feels better. When you are in a bad physical condition, such as being sick, having a cold, staying up all night with local pain, and being in a bad mood… It may not be easy to reach an orgasm. At this time, don’t force yourself to conform to your body’s feelings.
7. When using toys into the body, be sure to apply a sufficient amount of lubricating fluid, otherwise the body will protest. Unless you are in a rush, you can also try that kind of direct insertion once in a while to experience a different feeling.
8. You can try to apply lubricating fluids with different effects. There is a heat-sensing lubricating fluid. During the process of massaging with it, you will gradually feel that your body is slowly boiling. Even in a solo dance space, you will still feel the beauty of rising.
9. Be sure to do a good job of cleaning and disinfection before use. It is recommended to use a professional cleaning agent to disinfect to prolong the life of the toy. After use, it should be cleaned and wiped before collection.
10. Choose several toys for different types of climaxes to change your inherent climax mode. For example, the type of clitoral orgasm was originally used, so this time I chose a toy of the vaginal orgasm type.
11. Learn to let the body try to adapt to different types of toys to get the orgasm of different needs. Instead of simply using a fixed mode of toy, the body can form a dependence on this mode of toy. It’s easy to form a fixed orgasm pattern that makes it difficult to change it later.

Professional warm-hearted tips:

1. For toys that use batteries, it is best to choose good quality alkaline batteries. Be careful not to mix old and new batteries to prevent damage and burn due to uneven power. The battery should be removed when it will not be stored for a long time.
2. When cleaning all electric products, it is necessary to avoid the part of the controller to avoid water damage. All toys should not be disinfected with alcohol, and toys made of soft glue (such as crystal glue or virtual skin) should not be washed with hot water.
3. Wash the toy with warm water before using it. If the product is made of silicone, you can soak the used part in hot water within 75 degrees for 10 minutes. This will avoid the cold feeling of the toy, and users who are more sensitive to cold can try this.
4. All toys can be washed with clean water, or you can choose “JO toy cleaning agent” for cleaning, which has the functions of disinfection, sterilization and anti-oxidation, which can prolong the service life of toys. How to use: Wet the toy with water, apply an appropriate amount of cleaning agent evenly on the toy, wait for a few minutes, rinse with water, and dry it naturally or dry it with a dust-free paper towel.
5. After the product is cleaned, air dry it naturally or use a dust-free paper towel to dry it. Do not use the hot air of a hair dryer to dry it. After it is completely dry, you can choose to seal it in a sealed bag and store it in a cool and dry place to avoid strong light exposure.
6. If the sex toys made of soft glue (such as crystal soft glue, virtual skin, etc.) appear to be oxidized, please choose to seal the bag after cleaning and air-drying evenly sprinkle product protection powder on the surface of the product.


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